Banded Bandits

We did it, we reached another first milestone, day ten is here. It might not have been a milestone in terms of borders or distances but I thought 10 days sounds like a nice round number. Anyways, I got up fairly early, let Alex sleep in again, and once she had finally arisen, coffee and good old oatmeal was already waiting for her. Then we went down to the beach of Cape Kiwanda, enjoying our coffee and enjoying the sun laughing in the sky. Cape Kiwanda was a beautiful sight that morning, waves were breaking, a light wind was going and some surfers were already out on the water. We climbed up the ridge and got an even more stunning view.

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Up(hill)s and Down(hill)s

Día numero 6 started out great. I woke up early, let Alex sleep a little longer and by the time she had awoken coffee and oatmeal were on the way. Even better, the sun was showing its pretty face on the horizon so we were ready for a nice day of riding towards Astoria. Unfortunately that meant a whole lot of strenuous ups and downs for 18 miles from Gnat Creek Campground into town. Once there we made a stop at Fort George Brewery, a recommendation from an Oregonian friend (thanks Katie!). The good burgers and delicious brews put the bounce back in our step…errr, pedal.

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Off to Oregon

Let me start with a disclaimer. In the hurry of getting ready to leave, setting up the blog and riding all day we totally forgot to call out Alex’s parents as the most helpful and supportive people of the past week. Without them we wouldn’t have been able to finish off our remaining business and catch our breath before embarking on this journey. Therefore a big thank you to Meredith and Scott!

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To Gramma’s house we go (and beyond)

Alright, now that we are finally underway we can give some status updates. We started off with a teary and heartfelt departure from Colman Dock in downtown Seattle on the morning of Wednesday, April 16. Making our way south we met up with our friend Bill Thorness, an avid biker himself. He had interviewed us for his blog a couple of days before and wanted to get some action shots as well as guide Alex and I down to the beginning of the Duwamish Trail. He also left us a little bike journal and a bag of snacks. Those were greatly appreciated, hooray for Bill! Have a look at Bill’s interview here:

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T Minus 1 Day

I can’t believe it but we are less than 24 hours away from departing good ol’ Seattle. After moving all our stuff (which consisted of a couple of clothes, a bit of furniture and waaaaaaaaay too many books) into a storage unit on Sunday we decided to delay our trip by one day to regain a bit of our sanity and nerves before embarking on this journey. And what a good idea that has been, if we would have stuck to our plan to leave today it might have been a frustrating start. Instead we have one more day to really settle things and leave with a clear mind and strong spirits.

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Let’s Get Started

Alright, I think it's time to kick off this little blog of ours. Today is Friday, April 11, 2014 and we have exactly 4 days left before the day or our departure is here. Who is we you are asking? That would be Alex and Tom, soon living on bikes and in tents. We will hop on our vehicles and start our journey south with Seattle being the beautiful point of departure. This blog will serve as our travel journal as well as hub for photos and the occasional video of the trip. It's going to be great so in the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson, hold on to your butts!

-Tom, 04/11/2014